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Las Vegas, NV

Don Curry

Don Curry has a B.S. in Biology and Physical Education, as well as a Master's in School Administration and Biology from the University of North Texas. With the help of fellowships and grant funding, he has also studied molecular biology, nuclear chemistry, marine sciences, and cell genetics at several universities. Don was a biology and chemistry teacher and administrator at schools in Modesto, CA and Las Vegas for most of his 43-year career, having retired in 2008. As of the fall of 2011, he was beginning his fourth year as President of the Board of Governors for the Nevada Virtual Academy. Don has been a CEM since 1991.

Don Curry

Dave Peltz

Born in Iowa and raised in Colorado, Dave has been in Las Vegas since 1990. He has a B.S. in Education from Temple University and a graduate degree in Instruction and Curricular Studies from UNLV. Upon moving to Nevada, Dave began teaching for the Clark County School District. He currently teaches Advanced Placement Chemistry, Chemistry I Honors, and Chemistry I, as well as Physics and Earth Science at the Advanced Technologies Academy. Dave became a CEM for Las Vegas in 1992.

Dave Peltz

Provisional Data Notice

It is the intent of the CEMP to provide to the public accurate, near real-time monitoring data through this web site. However, it should be noted that these data are provisional and therefore may be subject to change. Provisional data may be adjusted for various reasons including disruption of sensors, instrument calibration, equipment failure, and problems with data transfer. These data are not valid until thoroughly reviewed and evaluated by the Desert Research Institute. Data users are cautioned to carefully consider the provisional nature of this information before any application, particularly for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business that involves substantial monetary or operational consequences. Information concerning the accuracy and appropriate uses of these provisional data may be obtained by contacting the Western Regional Climate Center at wrcc@dri.edu or by calling (775) 674-7010.