Station Updates
The following stations update every hour- Anchor Brand Ranch
- Nyala
- Sarcobatus
- Stone Cabin
- Tonopah
- Twin Springs
Provisional Data Notice
It is the intent of the CEMP to provide to the public accurate, near real-time monitoring data through this web site. However, it should be noted that these data are provisional and therefore may be subject to change. Provisional data may be adjusted for various reasons including disruption of sensors, instrument calibration, equipment failure, and problems with data transfer. These data are not valid until thoroughly reviewed and evaluated by the Desert Research Institute. Data users are cautioned to carefully consider the provisional nature of this information before any application, particularly for decisions that concern personal or public safety or the conduct of business that involves substantial monetary or operational consequences. Information concerning the accuracy and appropriate uses of these provisional data may be obtained by contacting the Western Regional Climate Center at wrcc@dri.edu or by calling (775) 674-7010.
Data Collection Program
The Community Environmental Monitoring Program (CEMP) is a network of monitoring stations located in communities surrounding and downwind of the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) that monitor the airborne and groundwater environments for manmade radioactivity that could result from NNSS activities. The CEMP is a collaborative effort of the Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration Nevada Field Office (NNSA/NFO), and the Desert Research Institute (DRI) of the Nevada System of Higher Education. (more...)To access data for a station, click on a site's name or triangle.
To request a presentation on the CEMP Program for your classroom or organization, click here.
- Updated Scheduled Calibration Tests for February, 2025.
- CEMP Story Map
- Latest Air Sampling and TLD Results
(3rd Quarter 2024). - Updated May 26, 2021. Information about
NNSS Cherrywood Fire -
CEMP response to US Ecology fire
Oct 28 2015
In order to support the state's efforts in responding to the fire at US Ecology, the CEMP proactively collected filter samples from its low-volume air samplers located in Amargosa, Beatty, and Sarcobatus Flat. Filter analysis was carried out by UNLV's radioanalytical laboratory. Gross alpha and beta analysis and gamma spectroscopy analysis did not detect any radiation levels above background. - Updates on the fire at US Ecology near Beatty
- Finding the Facts on Fukushima.
- Ventura County, California launches public awareness campaign on nuclear preparedness.
- Public Notice of Rad Removal from Ranch Sites
- New article: Risks and Effects of Radiation: Putting Fukushima in Context
- Follow @DRICEMP on twitter for the latest on the CEMP.
- Regular updates on Fukushima and other nuclear news at the Health Physics Society News Cafe Facebook Page.
- Calibration response tests scheduled for April →
- DOE blog on the situation in Japan →
- Results of air filter samples collected by DRI from the CEMP stations →
- March 24: Results of UNLV air sample analysis →
- March 24: Results of CEMP filter analysis expected later today →
- Response test for Las Vegas monitoring station scheduled for March 23rd →
- Information on the nuclear reactor accidents in Japan →
- Sep. 19, 2008. Two new pages to view the most recent data for the CEMP network are now available. The first is a page with a table of all stations and their most recent data; the second is a map of a most recent data element at each station.
- Aug. 14, 2008. Results from the CEMP offsite water tests reporting tritium levels is now available below in the Links section.
- Oct. 11, 2007. A report detailing the Milford equipment malfunction the cause of anomalous gamma radiation readings is now available here.
- On October 5, 2007, the Desert Research Institute, which manages the CEMP for the DOE, National Nuclear Security Administration Nevada Site Office, gave a presentation to the State of Utah Radiation Control Board detailing the occurrence of the anomalous gamma readings at Milford, as well as a summary of the analyses conducted, and the conclusion that equipment malfunction was identified as the cause of the readings. Download a PDF of the presentation.
- Aug. 7, 2007. Milford Gross Alpha and Beta Results are now available on the status page.
- Updated information on recent gamma readings at the Milford station. View Report of Analysis.
- Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) Environmental Reports
- NNSS Remediation
- Quarterly air sampling and TLD results
- Results from offsite water tests
CEMP Report (2001 - 2013)
CEMP Report (2014 - most recent)
Nye County Report (2015) - CNTA (Faultless) Groundwater Monitoring Reports
- Tribal Revegetation Project Report
- Climatological and Gamma Radiation Summaries
- Most recent data for a station.
- Station and Network Status
- Composite Daily Summaries
- Monthly Reports
- Annual Workshops: 2004 2006 2009 2011 2013 2020
- Radiation units conversion site
Cooperating Agencies
U.S. Department of EnergyDesert Research Institute
Western Regional Climate Center